
        Canis Fortuna NEWTON - JCh.D., Ch.D.

        Canis Fortuna LUDWIG – JCh.Pl

        Canis Fortuna HUNTER – JChLv, ChLv, ChLt, ChPl,
                                                Ch.MK, Ch.MNE, ChBG,
                                                Ch.Balkan, Grand ChBG, Ch.BY

        Canis Fortuna HAWA   – JCh.Pl

        Canis Fortuna JARGO  – JCh.Pl

        Canis Fortuna GIN       – ICh, J.Ch.D , Ch.D

        Canis Fortuna BASTA  -  Ch.D

         Canis Fortuna CORSA – Jch.Rus,  Ch.Rus, Ch.BY,  Ch.BG,
        Champion of the Russian Cynological Federation,
        Champion of the Hunter Dog Federation,
        Champion of Russian Amateur Dog Kennel,
        Champion of Russian Federation of service dogs,
        Champion of Russian of Association of independent
         Social cynological organization ,
        Champion of National Club of weimaraner,
        many times CACIB, BOG (for example Euroasia 2007)
        and BiS, work certificate.